
The Key to Change is dedicated to providing scholarship assistance to students who have expressed a need due to their family’s financial situation. Scholarships that are given to students are funded through generous support from our donors, board and community supporters.

Scholarship Information

Most of the scholarships we provide are based on financial need. As part of the application process, a 1040 Tax Form for the current year must be submitted as well as the student’s most recent report card, demonstrating a 2.5 GPA or higher.

We also provide a small number of merit-based scholarships for talented students who demonstrate hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude in their lessons. These are based solely on teacher recommendation. Key to Change does not solicit applications for merit-based scholarships.

What are the expectations of a student receiving a need-based scholarship?

Scholarship recipients must:

Scholarship recipients may lose their scholarships due to the following: